Recommended Reading: House Of Leaves
I just finished this book tonight. This book is a jigsaw puzzle wrapped in a rubick's cube, covered in brainteasers hidden in a maze. My husband and I read it aloud together which I found exciting as it added yet another level of complexity as my husband and I waded through this labyrinth together interpreting it for each other as we went. I must say that either Mark Z. Danielewski is a certified genius or an authentic wacko, oh wait that was Ivo Shandor, wink to you movie nerds. While the book is clearly about the unfortunate relationship between the artist and insanity, it so much deeper than that. I don't want to give away any spoilers but I do want to say that the fact that the House of Leaves is ITSELF a house of leaves or pages is incredible. If you plan on reading it I would say prepare to read something unlike anything you have read before and be prepared to be very confused and frustrated. Remember it's a maze, and sometimes you will travel it without any light or understanding but be steadfast and make it to the end, it's an incredible journey.