My beloved coffee
I look forward to waking up to you every morning. You make my life bearable, you give me the strength I need to complete my day. Your rich dark flavor warms my mouth and my soul. I can never be too far from you without yearning to enjoy your perfect aroma, your stimulating ingredients. Oh Coffee, before I met you I seemed to sleep-walk through my days, then you brought clarity and wakefulness to my life. Before you, Coffee, my teeth were far too white, my bladder far to empty. Whether in a late, a mochachino, or even just a good cuppa joe, Coffee it's you that makes my heart beat faster, you that brings be back time and again.
Some days it seems I just can't get enough of you, enjoying you until my hands shake uncontrollably, sipping you in until my mind spins. So many sleepless nights I have spent after enjoying you for too long, only to awake the next morning with "Coffee" as the first thought in my mind. I shall never escape the beautiful grasp you have on my life. You have courted me with your aroma, lured me with your warmth, and now you hold me with your addictive personality. Yes you have lived up to my every expectation and more.
Darling, never worry, no mere flavor crystals would ever take your place. Decaf is just a poor imitation of you, and even though Diet Soda may occasionally pass my lips, I always return to you when I am really in need. I know some have tried to entice me away from you with expensive energy drinks containing promises and dreams of yohimbe and guarana. And while they are younger and flashier, they will never compare to your smooth warmth and deep character, your natural goodness. You make my thoughts clearer, my mind sharper, my appetite suppressed. Coffee, you make me a better woman.