Michigan Sarcasm Explained
Alright y'all, I am sure you are aware that y'all in Michigan is "you guys" and we call soda, pop, and that rather than going to the store on Tuesday, we go to da store ahn Tuesdee. However, I feel I should explain something to my southern pals about sarcasm. Here in the south, I have had to learn some amazing new lessons about a whole different kind of passive aggression, and subtlety. Where I am from, we are definitely NOT subtle, not nearly as politically correct, and we are TOTALLY sarcastic. Let me give you some examples:
In Michigan when you sing in public, you can expect people to tell you that you really should get singing lessons and next time why don't you bring ear plugs for the audience. This means you were really awesome. If you have recently lost weight, be sure that people will tell you that you are getting fat, or maybe you are turning into a skeleton. When you have a baby, your family will say something like "too bad he's so ugly, how can you stand it!" or "that is one cute baby, you sure you're the daddy?" This is all very good. It means you have a seriously cute baby!
When you really want to beware is when someone says anything is "nice" or "fine". "Nice job" means "she really didn't do well but I don't have the heart to tell her". Notice when people use the word precious as well. "Oh that baby is so precious" translated means "ugly but loved". Or, if people don't understand you they might tell you that you are "precious" meaning "odd". The exeption is if the word really is added to any positive compliment. "No, really, your baby really is beautiful" thus clarifying that your baby is so beautiful they have to say it outright and they want you to they aren't just being nice. If this happens you can be sure, you have one extraordinary baby.
In Michigan teasing is an art form, and in my family being picked on is a good thing. The more people pick on you the more they like you. We laugh at each other, and at ourselves, and generally nothing is off limits among family and friends, including race, gender, and religion. Nicknames are a way of life, and teasing is something you are taught when you learn to talk. Unfortunately for my new friends, I am the queen of teasing, I am well practiced and very good at it.
When I first moved here someone told me that my baby was beautiful and she looked just like me. I think I said something like: "yeah it's too bad poor kid , were were thinking of taking her back for a prettier one". The looks I got for that one, wooo! They looked at me like my head was sprouting octopus limbs. I could see the thought bubbles popping out of thier brians "WHY would she say THAT?, What a HORRIBLE thing to SAY!". Ooops, it was then that I was truly worried I might never fit in here.
Although I have learned how to restrain my natural tenancies a bit, I thought it might be nice for y'all to understand a little about why sometimes I may seem a tad strange. Why sometimes, I am just not subtle at all. So please forgive me if I have chosen you to pick on today, and realize that if I am picking on you, you must be pretty special to me.
In Michigan when you sing in public, you can expect people to tell you that you really should get singing lessons and next time why don't you bring ear plugs for the audience. This means you were really awesome. If you have recently lost weight, be sure that people will tell you that you are getting fat, or maybe you are turning into a skeleton. When you have a baby, your family will say something like "too bad he's so ugly, how can you stand it!" or "that is one cute baby, you sure you're the daddy?" This is all very good. It means you have a seriously cute baby!
When you really want to beware is when someone says anything is "nice" or "fine". "Nice job" means "she really didn't do well but I don't have the heart to tell her". Notice when people use the word precious as well. "Oh that baby is so precious" translated means "ugly but loved". Or, if people don't understand you they might tell you that you are "precious" meaning "odd". The exeption is if the word really is added to any positive compliment. "No, really, your baby really is beautiful" thus clarifying that your baby is so beautiful they have to say it outright and they want you to they aren't just being nice. If this happens you can be sure, you have one extraordinary baby.
In Michigan teasing is an art form, and in my family being picked on is a good thing. The more people pick on you the more they like you. We laugh at each other, and at ourselves, and generally nothing is off limits among family and friends, including race, gender, and religion. Nicknames are a way of life, and teasing is something you are taught when you learn to talk. Unfortunately for my new friends, I am the queen of teasing, I am well practiced and very good at it.
When I first moved here someone told me that my baby was beautiful and she looked just like me. I think I said something like: "yeah it's too bad poor kid , were were thinking of taking her back for a prettier one". The looks I got for that one, wooo! They looked at me like my head was sprouting octopus limbs. I could see the thought bubbles popping out of thier brians "WHY would she say THAT?, What a HORRIBLE thing to SAY!". Ooops, it was then that I was truly worried I might never fit in here.
Although I have learned how to restrain my natural tenancies a bit, I thought it might be nice for y'all to understand a little about why sometimes I may seem a tad strange. Why sometimes, I am just not subtle at all. So please forgive me if I have chosen you to pick on today, and realize that if I am picking on you, you must be pretty special to me.
