The areas of my expertise

Alright, I have stayed away from Palin bashing in my blog, but after watching the debate last night, I have to ask this question:
CAN ANYONE TELL ME HOW BEING THE MOTHER TO A BABY WITH DOWN SYNDROME MAKES ONE AN EXPERT ON AUTISIM???? Hmmmmm??? Anyone??? I'll bet it is the same way you are an expert in foreign policy because russian planes MIGHT fly over your house.
You know, I am pretty experienced as well. I mean, I grew up pretty darn close to Canada, in fact I am sure I smelled some Canandian garbage driving past the many landfills in Michigan. Seriously, I should run! I went to public school, that makes me an expert on EDUCATION!! Sweet, you know what else? I successfully balance my family budget, CRAP! I am an authority on budgets! I purchase and use manufactured items all the time! I can fix our slumping factories, and create jobs, you betcha! I have done a fair amount of camping, so I am pretty sure that qualifies me as an expert on the environment! Seriously, I have seen more than one bear in REAL LIFE! Beat that Joe Biden! I could also tap into my folksy Michigan vernacular. Wholy waaa! get me in the whitehouse NOW! The only thing I am missing is the degree in journalisim. Maybe if I get started now, in four years I can run. My only worry is that I MIGHT not be quite cute enough...