So we were playing in the church playground across the street from our house, and we see a woman walking with a cat walking next to her. She was carrying a broom and looked like some kind of strange witch with her black cat. She walked with the cat behind the church and she and the broom came back without the cat. Not 2 minutes later this little emaciated kitten comes running out from behind the church and makes a beeline us. Now, we had Charlie our pug with us and I immediately though "Uh oh! Big trouble!" Well the cat ran immediately up to Charlie, face rubbed him and then layed down in front of him. It was so strange, like they were old pals. The cat then popped up, happily trotted over to Maya our 1 year old, and sat down in front of her and casually allowed her to pet him, and pick him up! "Oh boy" I thought. Well needless to say this tiny little kitty followed us home. He fit in so well here, we hardly had to even contemplate taking him to the shelter.
So far he is doing his business in the right places, he is playing with the dog and kids, and even our two fat old lady cats are occasionally touching noses with him. William was having a riot today playing keep away with a cat toy, watching him do back flips to try to get it. He has already beefed up in the two days he has been here and doesn't look quite so bony. He goes out in the yard with us and never leaves our sides. William said we should name him Dooder, George, or Uncle Ronny. We still aren't solid on what he should be called but as of this moment he is asleep between my arms as I type this blog. I guess he has found his place, and I feel happy that it is with us.