Somebody give me a scooby snack...
I walk out of my basement the other evening to take my dog out, and I almost walk face first into this HUGE spider web complete with a big fat creepy spider smack dab in the middle. This is the kind of spider web you only see on Scooby Doo in the old abandoned amusement park, or an Indiana Jones movies right before the heroes step on a booby trap. As soon as I made eyes contact (8 big creepy eyes) I jumped out of my skin a little, then I whipped around and put my face into yet ANOTHER spider at face height of about the same girth hanging between the adjacent poles. I totally went all Shaggy, and did that Casey Kasem "WHAAAAA" sound. I think my legs even went around in a blurry circle as I skedaddled out of there!

Now I check on them every night to see what progress they have made on their webs, see if they have caught anything. I occasionally toss a stick or something into the web to see what they do. It's my own personal wild kingdom. Every time I see them I am tempted to evict them with a broom or a very long stick or something, but, they aren't hurting me and maybe, they are eating ticks, and in my book that makes them good guys ya know?