Change doesn't come from Washington, change comes TO Washington

I just finished watching Barack Obama's speech tonight in it's entirety. I have only a few things to say. First, I did not disagree with a single word he said. He is right on with his policies, and I have never felt so excited about a president in my lifetime. He makes me proud that I am an American, and I have to admit, I have never felt that, ever.

The point that he touched on that affected me the most, is that we are not a blue nation, or a red nation, we are ONE nation. The blue/red divide is the biggest disservice that the neo-cons have done to our country. It is going to take years to repair, it is my hope that we can do it, and we can again have a common purpose. I am really at a loss for words. This is a hope, that I have never had, I feel empowered, and excited about doing MY part for our country. He put into words what has always frustrated me about our society. He has told us we all have to take some responsibility! Not only our government, but us, our personal responsibility. These things seem so fundamental, so basic, yet no other candidate has said this, no other candidate has said "We can do it, together". Not only do we want change, but it is OUR responsibility to bring it about!

The thing that struck me again and again, was that he never talks about himself. He always says "we" and "us". He has made his campaign about CHANGE and not about what a great man he is, or what a great president he will be. That makes him a great man.

I honestly do not know how anyone who listens to Barack's strategy, and his vision for our country, could say that this man is wrong, or that he has some ulterior motive. His vision is for a united people, united in service to one another. This ideal is what our religions are based on. This ideal is what America was built on. This is my hope for the future of our country, and our world.


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