My first mother's day as a mother was a success. What a good day it was, beautiful weather, beautiful family. My husband bought me a diamond necklace. He has never purchased any jewlery before. I must say I was floored. I didn't know how to react, I didn't want him to think I had been waiting for him to spend lots of money on me and get me a diamond, or that I think that a diamond is a true sign of love. I also was very excited and happy that he gave me such a nice symbol of his love and respect for me. So I think it ended up a little anticlimactic for him, however, I keep touching my diamond pendant and smiling, thinking of how much love we share in our family. I sure love my husband.
I also cried because I am now a mother! This is crazy!!! My son is getting big so fast, it is just so insane to think that I gave birth to him. It is also very scary to think that some day he may smoke pot, or have sex, or steal a car or something. My hat is off to all mothers, it is something I could never truly understand until now. Children bring with them a whole crapload of potential pain!So that is today's random thought... Still random and always thoughtful.