Could I Make Money Doing Something Fun?
Okay, alternative lifestyle time! I want to make enough money to support my half of the family expenses, however, I don't want to spend 8 hours a day making someone else rich while I do a job I completely detest. I also don't want to put my son into full time day care. Any ideas? I have alot of talents, I can draw, I can create web pages (see links to your right), I am pretty creative. I want to draw pictures for people... or something! It's crazy, I have been wracking my brains trying to figure out a way to pay for life without sacraficing most of it. I think this is another thing that is wrong with our country. Did you know in Europe people have a manditory 8 weeks of vacation every year!!!!!!! Yes I said 8 weeks. Maybe I should move to Europe. Do you think they are looking for a slightly burned out technical support manager with some creative skills?
Until Next Time....
Until Next Time....