I awake refreshed

Today is the first since her birth that my newest babe has slept the night through. Oh happy happy day! This signifies so much for me. The light at the end of the long tunnel of sleep deprivation has turned on. I am now aware that a return to normal life is possible. This child is not going to be attached to me 24 hours a day forever. My breasts will return to normal human proportions. I will again be alone with my husband. It is going to happen and at 6:00 this morning when the baby woke up I realized it. My smile has not yet faded, and tonight at 3:00am when the baby inevitably wakes up hungry and screaming, I am going to remember this feeling. This is only temporary, soon, she won't need me anymore so I will remind myself to enjoy her small squirmy body against me, it will never be like this again.


Deborah said…

To quote another commentary I read here on this blog: "'Book.' 'Nuff said.'"
Nexuszen said…
often we don't recognize those precious moments when we are in them the ability to do that, live presently is a gift.

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