Lessons I have learned this year, so far...
As we are approaching the holidays and the end of another year I find myself contemplating what it is I have learned this year. Here are a list of just a few of this year's lessons:
- Raw chicken does NOT blend up well in the blender.
- Blenders can catch on fire.
- Partially blended up raw chicken also doesn't blend up well in a smoothie maker.
- I will NEVER be fired from my job.
- My family is the most important thing in the universe.
- Global warming has it's up-side
- You can NOT make powdered sugar by putting granulated sugar in a coffee grinder.
- You can't always determine someone's gender from the sound of their voice on the phone.
- Kids really love repetition.
- Even things you used to enjoy SUCK after watching them too many times. (Nemo, I wish to bid thee farewell)
- I enjoy cooking, even after that whole chicken/blender incident, who knew?
- I love being a mom more than any occupation I have ever had.
- A monthly "Mom's Night Out" for me is required for good mothering.
- There are really some quality people out there if you look hard.
- Yo Gabba Gabba is an acquired taste.
- Anyone really CAN be president, and I can't help but cry a little every time I think about it.
- I will probably always have this kind of yucky stretch marked gut lump hanging off me, and secretly I am kind of proud of it.
- A glass of wine can really help with stress, sometimes two glasses.
- Don't bite your friends!
- While financial security is nice, it is not essential for happiness.
- I still adore the holidays.
- Those last ten pounds are a BITCH!
- I am not who I thought I was, and I am cool with it.
- Everything in moderation... I wish I could remember this lesson for next year.
- You really can replace your car with a bike for most weekly errands, even with two kids in tow.
- Relationships are hard.... but worth it.
- Poop stories still are and always will be FUNNY!
- Hope has returned to my soul, and for that, I am exceedingly thankful.