Our newest pet
This is our latest family addition, we call him "Venus Fly Trap" or "VeeFly" for short, creative isn't it? I was at our local farmers market yesterday when I happened upon the carnivorous plant vendor. It was really cool and I was surprised at how inexpensive these plants were. We got VeeFly for a mere 5 dollars! I could not help myself. Apparently Venus Fly Traps grow quite commonly in North Carolina which I was unaware of. This little plant is so cool I can't help but stare at it every so often hoping to catch a glimpse of it eating a bug. I was amazed at how quickly the fruit flies were hanging around it, it only took a couple of hours for them to find it. However, I still have not seen any fly devouring action, but I am eagerly awaiting it.
While, I know that VeeFly is just a plant, like any other plant, I can't help but thinking of it as a little friend, a little bug eating friend. I think if it dies I will feel really bad. Venus fly traps are apparently pretty easy to care for so my hopes are high. I think in the spring, when the ticks come back, I will feed it one. I hope it likes ticks.