Toddler Television
The Big Comfy Couch is also a little unnerving when you actually pay attention to the plot lines. This little girl clown lives all alone with no parents. She has a somewhat alive doll that lives on her couch with her. She has some wierd aunt that sends her letters. On one episode they explained where baby clowns come from... That was just wrong. Aparently the whole clown community gets together and laughs so hard that it makes a baby clown fall from the sky. Riiiiight.
The Doodlebops are just icky... Rockstar clowns... I dunno, see my previous blogs for my feelings about clowns.
I have to say though as far as adult watchability Barney is the absolute worst. For reasons I can't quite explain, Barney turns my stomach and I can't even stand it for even a short time. I really can't tell you why but Barney just might be the Devil.
The other more normal shows aren't as bad, I have no complaints with Blue's Clues, Dora The Explorer is okay if you don't mind hearing the same three words repeated over and over for 27 minutes (swiper no swiping, swiper no swiping, swiper no swiping). Sesame Street is mostly just Elmo now, which is tolerable. Unfortunately, the more interesting shows, with actual plot are boring to William and he starts begging for the weird ones. I am glad he is actually outgrowing Boobah, and now we mostly watch Blue's Clues which is okay with me.
On the upside (or upside down?) there is a new show on Noggin called "The Upside Down Show". Now this show I love! These two nerdy Austrailian guys just run around and act goofy. They give the viewers a pretend remote and ask you to push buttons, and it makes them do all kinds of crazy stuff. The characters actually have quite a big vocabulary using words like minute (which means really really small) and enormous (meaning really really big). It is actually pretty funny and William and I both laugh together. One day my husband came home from work while this show was on and he started laughing and enjoying it too! I highly recommend this show above all others. Now if Comcast would get more than just one episode On Demand life would be perfect!
Being a mom has really changed my television viewing habits! I never thought I would be such a children's television connoisseur.