Fat Pets Abound

I have two cats and a dog, and they are all fat. I feed the cats special "indoor cat weight control and hairball formula" cat food but they just seem to get fatter and fatter and fatter. My dog is a pug and he is also overweight, He does get some excersize but clearly not enough, for this I blame myself.

My female cats are both spayed and I think this has played a factor in their giant saggy flabby stomachs. My largest cat has lost all the hair on her belly due to it dragging on the floor when she walks. She looks so odd because she seems like a small cat on top, with just a giant gut that blobs along after her when she walks. The humane society where I adopted her claims that all cats should be indoor cats, and therefore my cats have only had brief moments of outdoor life. I feel this has also exaserbated the problem. These cats get no excersize. They do have to go up and down stairs to use the "potty" but it hasn't seemed to help. What can a person do to help out poor fat cats that can't go outside? Maybe a nice mouse infestation would help them to get some excersize, but, is it worth it? Hopefully my roly poly chubby kitties will lead a long and happy life even with their giant blobby gut sacks. I am at a loss...

What does this say about me and the kind of livestyle I lead? Thankfully I am not overweight and my 2 year old is also not overweight. I would like to think that I live a healthy lifestyle and try not to over indulge in foods that can cause weight problems, however isn't the condition of my pets a reflection of my choices? One thing I can conclude is this, I am glad I have not had a hystorectomy... or maybe my breasts would drag on the ground when I walk too.


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