I don't care how good the waffle fries are...

Dear lovers of Chick-Fil-A,

Please stop eating there.  Believe me I know how delicious the Grilled Chicken Club sandwich is, how satisfying the waffle fries that are deep fried in the slightly healthier peanut oil are.  There is nothing not to love about a nice old lady happily getting you a refill on your diet coke.  The well maintained play area behind the giant wall of soundproof glass is every mother's lunch time dream come true. Even the ingenious ketchup packets that you can either dip from or squirt are all a part of the glorious enterprise that is Chick-Fil-A.  However, I am asking, no begging you to stop eating there.

For those living under a rock, I will catch you up.  For years the CEO and founder of Chick-Fil-A Dan Cathy has been funding with Millions of dollars such hate groups as The National Organization in Defense of Marriage, who believe unashamedly that people who have sex with those of the same gender are bad people, and are bringing down our once great country.  They believe that God is judging us as Americans for our tolerance of gays, and that God will bring judgment in the form of wrath down on this country.  They are very actively trying to take away the rights of our brothers and sisters in order to save this world from said wrath.  Some go so far as to wish all Gays rounded up and killed.  For a little while the handlers of Dan Cathy have tried to suppress his views, and deny that Chick-Fil-A sponsors hate, however very recently Danny has gone on national radio and claimed "Guilty As Charged" and spewed many hateful and bigoted things.  All of this is documented and easily available go look it up.

For you liberals and supporters of the GLBT community enough said, you already know delicious and friendly fast food isn't worth this price.  However, for those of you that believe that marriage should be between one man and one woman I would like to make an appeal.  I have no beef with your belief, that's fine for you, please don't marry someone of the same gender, that would be wrong.  What I am asking you is to stop eating...  no, I should be honest, what I am asking you is to stop believing that NO people should be allowed to marry someone of the same sex.  I know you don't want to, but I know deep down you think it's wrong.

When I ask people why they believe it is wrong for gays to marry they almost instantly claim "It's in the Bible".  And when I always say "well so is killing disobedient children and stoning people who break the sabbath" they always say, well Jesus didn't do that, and I always say "well Jesus didn't condemn gays either".  So I would like to put it out there and say, if you claim to believe it because "It's in the Bible" why don't you just add "No man shall lay with another man, it is an abomination" to the long list of other things you don't believe in the bible.

Here is the question I have for you, the believer, do you believe that Gays should not be able to be with their loved ones when they are dying?  Do you believe that a gay should not have the right to their partners medical records?  Do you believe gay people should not have joint custody of the children they have raised and loved?  Do you think God wants them to have those rights taken from them? Well that is exactly what Chick-Fil-A believes, this is precisely the campaign they are on, to take away the rights of people who wish to have a family with a person of the same sex.  With all my heart I believe you are a loving and good person, and you believe something because someone told you to, that you haven't actually thought about it and if you really do love people the way you say you do, you would not be able to believe in that. If you do honestly believe that then fine, we can agree to disagree and I can chalk you up as one of those haters, but I don't think you can do that. I think you want to not believe it but you are stuck thinking that being a Christian means you HAVE to believe it... that somehow if gays are allowed to marry that invalidates all your other beautiful and closely held beliefs like "Love one another" and "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" and "When an enemy strikes you in the cheek, offer him your other cheek" ...and it doesn't.

Please, please vote with YOUR money the way Chick-Fil-A does... stop eating there... if you must have crappy fast food choose another place, or even better just give up fast food all together they are all pretty evil.


Unknown said…
Well said!!
Mdivani Monroe said…
Beautiful post! Brava!

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