A secret thought

So here is a shameful secret thought that I have.  It's been plauging me with guilt so I decided to purge myself and share with the world this secret thought I have nearly every day and apologize...  Ready here it is:

Dear 40ish year old ladies who jog down my street in nothing but a sports bra and skin tight shorts,

You have beautifully well maintained bodies, and the reason I am staring at you a little too long is not because you are beautiful, but because I am scanning you for even the tiniest ugly flaw in order to not feel so bad about myself.  Secretly I hate you,  I am sorry you are probably super nice ladies.

I feel somewhat better, thank you, reader, for being my confessor and from here on out I promise to try to love my body even though it is far from perfect, and to love my neighbor even though she has something that I feel guilty I do not.  Peace!


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