Gluten Free Beer - First Review

It has recently come to my attention that gluten may be extremely bad for me... I can't tell you how sad this news made me as pasta, bread, and beer are three of the reasons I get up in the morning.  So today I decided to try a gluten free beer and see if it was an adequate substitute.  Tonight's selection was New Planet's "Off The Grid Pale Ale".  Color is nice and clear sparkly.  The smell is a bit molassesy but good.  The taste, well, not so good.  The mouth feel is all wrong and the bitter hop flavor leaves a strange gunky after taste I can't quite describe.  I have to admit a bit of disappointment with the sorgum beer and the price is high at just over 9 dollars for a 4 pack.  In the future I will probably pass on this one, and my hope is that the other alternative beers made with rice and buckweat, or barley with extracted gluten taste more like the excellent craft beer I am used to.


Reuben said…
This is the first comment on gluten-free beer I have read, fascinating, although not surprising. I hope you don't have the condition and this is all for nothing!
Unknown said…
Yes fingers crossed on that! But hey its not for nothing! I always enjoy trying new things even if I find out I dislike them!
Adam said…
Unless you've been medically diagnosed with coeliac disease with blood test and a biopsy you probably shouldn't bother to restrict yourself to GF products. They cost a lot more money and often taste wrong to someone accustomed to wheat / barley.

The good news is that even if you suffer from coeliac disease you can still drink wine, cider, sake, whiskey, brandy - pretty much everything except beer. Whiskey is often made from grain but is distilled multiple times so it's safe.

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