I don't believe you've thought this through tea party...
Elizabeth Warren said it perfectly, "You can try to make our government look paralyzed by paralyzing it" but nobody really wants anarchy, I sure don't. I don't want to have to grow all my own food because I can't trust that what I buy from the store isn't poisoned. I don't want to stop traveling because vehicles are no longer required to be safe. I don't want to shorten my lifespan and that of my children because I can no longer trust the drug companies, or the doctors or because I can no longer afford to live to a ripe old age. I don't want to HAVE to own a gun and live in fear of others because there are no laws in place to protect my freedoms. And any of you who says that is how you want to live, I call you a liar. You don't want to drink contaminated water, and breath toxic air, and give away our national parks to companies who would rape them for resources and leave them desolate and to say that companies would NOT do that out of some sense of benevolence is laughable. You apparently aren't paying attention. All it takes is one company to cut costs by cutting corners, to drive down the prices, and then in order to compete all the companies have to do it and before long it's a race to see who can destroy our environment the quickest. Just do any research on China... they may be winning the manufacturing game but they are certainly losing the healthy living one.
I like government, I like laws, they are exactly what has kept us free to choose, to vote, to worship, to live how we want to live, healthy happy content lives. If you don't want to live like that, fine, then don't, I'm sure there is a remote island out there you could move to and play survivor. But don't take it away from the rest of us the MAJORITY of us who like our lives, and who are HAPPY to contribute a portion of our incomes for the greater good, to create this thing called Government that protects us, feeds us, allows us to live at a higher level than just caring for our basic needs. Allowing us the time and freedom to create, to invent, to play. I'm really really done with the teaparty and it's idealouges who want to force their ideals born of selfishness and ignorance on the rest of us. Rant over...
I like government, I like laws, they are exactly what has kept us free to choose, to vote, to worship, to live how we want to live, healthy happy content lives. If you don't want to live like that, fine, then don't, I'm sure there is a remote island out there you could move to and play survivor. But don't take it away from the rest of us the MAJORITY of us who like our lives, and who are HAPPY to contribute a portion of our incomes for the greater good, to create this thing called Government that protects us, feeds us, allows us to live at a higher level than just caring for our basic needs. Allowing us the time and freedom to create, to invent, to play. I'm really really done with the teaparty and it's idealouges who want to force their ideals born of selfishness and ignorance on the rest of us. Rant over...