A Return to the Banal

I know most of my posts have been political and/or #occupy related of late, and I felt it was time to take a break and get back to some random thinking... So, here was my train of thought in the shower yesterday...

I was conditioning my hair with my all-natural-no-dyes-or-fragrance-added-not-tested-on-animals-green-and-healthy conditioner, when I thought "So... finally I can learn what conditioner actually looks AND smells like in 'the raw'." What I found out was, surprisingly, Conditioner is WHITE and smells faintly of FLOWERS... Umm... so why do they add fragrance and color to it?

I think there is some kind of marketing miracle going on. Next time if they would like me to believe that it is actually "All Natural" I think it should be kind of brown and smell faintly of dirt and tree bark, maybe even have some kind of chunks.


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