The Ellie Wood School of Winter Driving

This year's annual "unprecedented" winter weather is upon us again for the third time. I thought I would share a few tips from my vast winter driving experience, northern and southern. Don't tune out you snow driving experts, there are tips in here for you too.

1. Don't drive if you don't have too, really is anything THAT important?
2. Stay calm - if you must drive, seriously calm down or go back in the house and skip to rule number 6.
3. Drive slow, I mean it turtle slow. Because if you are driving slow the worst thing that can happen is you get stuck or ding your fender and then call for backup.
4. Don't drive on the highway. I know the highway is usually clear first but that's where all the assholes who think they don't have to follow rule number 3 drive!
5. Don't worry about pumping your breaks, seriously every car has abs now, you don't have to do that, and, if you are following rule number 3 you shouldn't need to.
6. Call for backup! If you have to go out and can not follow rule number 2, phone a calm northerner, but make sure it is not one of those highway assholes.
7. Get your shopping done before the storm, northerners, take a tip from the south it's easier to buy the groceries while the roads are still clear!
8. Park at the top of the drive the night before. You know it's coming why pull all the way down your sloped drive?
9. Don't brag too much, I know it's tempting but keep it to a minimum northerners, it's annoying.
10. Have fun, snow days are fun! So what if it's ridiculous you have a day off rejoice! Take some time and enjoy your home, build a snowman, have hot chocolate, clean a closet, make it an event! Impromptu holiday! Tomorrow you can go back to work and the kids can go to school, but for today, just enjoy that warm couch and a good book!


Nexuszen said…
being a Northerner I don't brag much but as you know even if you have snow driving skills they won't help you if you encounter those "Assholes" you were talking about. A very good list if I may say so. and here is my usual nag.


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