Landlord hounding is an artform

So I rent... It has it's perks and one of those is that I don't have to pay to fix stuff that breaks. I like that. However getting a landlord to fix anything can be quite a full time job. It took me 3 years to get a major basement flooding problem fixed and mostly because I was being too nice. So when my air conditioner broke yesterday during the hottest part of the North Carolina summer I got depressed thinking about how long it might take to get it fixed. I think air conditioning is probably considered unnecessary, but to me it is more important than heat. I can always light a fire in the fireplace or put on more clothes, but I can not make my house cooler without the air conditioner. And this week is predicted to be in the 90's with high humidity. So after I sent one maintenance request, stopped by the office, called 5 times, left 4 messages, and then sent ANOTHER maintenance request I have devised a plan. Each 4 hours that passes without a call I will send another maintenance request, and each of them will get more pitiful and guilt ridden. Let me show you:

First request sent around 3pm on 08/03

Our air conditioner will no longer turn on and seeing it is going to be back in the 90's tomorrow your prompt attention would be appreciated. Thank you again!

Second request sent at 2pm on 08/04

Just a reminder that we still have no air conditioning. Also please call my cell phone as we will most likely be leaving because it is hot and very humid in our house. Thank you again, we are REALLY Looking forward to hearing from someone soon.

These have already been sent and please keep in mind I have still had no response of any kind. Now if I don't hear something by 5pm this will be my next appeal:

Third request

As I wipe the sweat from my eyes in order to see my computer screen, I am once again just reminding you that it is hot in our house, Please take pity on our sweaty family and repair our air conditioning. We are from the north and are allergic to high temperatures and humidity.

If I still have not gotten a response by tomorrow morning I will turn up the heat!

Fourth request

According to the next ten days will be in the upper 80's with heat indexes in the 90's because of the 75% humidty and lows in the upper 70's. I ask you, does this sound comfortable to you? I'll bet your house is nice and cool, and tonight when you are crawling into your dry cool bed, think of us...

If that doesn't get some action I don't know what will... I will update as matters progress.


VanDestro said…
Keep it up, man. If you really do that, You'll be my Hero forever (You are already, but even more so).
Love it. It's ye olde Squeaky Wheel Syndrome. It'll pay off -- soon, I hope.
Unknown said…
I realize I never did update, well I only got to the second letter and they were here! Woo Hoo! I am only slightly disappointed I didn't get to send that third one, it was a doozie!

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