Bumper Ideology
I am pondering this recent phenomenon in which people seem to find it necessary to plaster their personal philosphies on the bumpers of their vehicles. Yesterday I was driving to the mall when I was cut off by a large SUV. The back of this person's 40,000 dollar vehicle was plastered with flag slathered stickers and concervative rehtoric. I immediatetly thought to myself "well that figures".
My next thought was of the responsibilty you are unknowingly placing on yourself when you place a bumper sticker on the back of your car. Your road ediquette is now very important to your particular cause. Be honest, when someone with a Jesus fish on their tailgate cuts you off, or speeds past you in a no passing zone, don't you find yourself just a little angry with all christians? When you are stuck behind someone driving 10 miles an hour under the speed limit and that little boy peeing on a Ford logo is staring at you with that taunting mischevious grin, doesn't it kind of make you want to trade in your amercian made car for a honda or a toyota?
From now on I think it is very important that if you are going to shout your values out to every motorist who drives behind you, that you should drive courteously, you never know who you are going to push off the fence by stopping short and ramming your message into their front fender.
I have been thinking about what message I would like to have on the back fender of my car... I think it should be a Calvin peeing on a Calvin, in the shape of a yin yang... What goes around comes around so be very careful who you are pissing on.
My next thought was of the responsibilty you are unknowingly placing on yourself when you place a bumper sticker on the back of your car. Your road ediquette is now very important to your particular cause. Be honest, when someone with a Jesus fish on their tailgate cuts you off, or speeds past you in a no passing zone, don't you find yourself just a little angry with all christians? When you are stuck behind someone driving 10 miles an hour under the speed limit and that little boy peeing on a Ford logo is staring at you with that taunting mischevious grin, doesn't it kind of make you want to trade in your amercian made car for a honda or a toyota?
From now on I think it is very important that if you are going to shout your values out to every motorist who drives behind you, that you should drive courteously, you never know who you are going to push off the fence by stopping short and ramming your message into their front fender.
I have been thinking about what message I would like to have on the back fender of my car... I think it should be a Calvin peeing on a Calvin, in the shape of a yin yang... What goes around comes around so be very careful who you are pissing on.