Disadvantages To Losing Weight

Not to be a "cup half full" kind of person, and I am glad I have lost weight, however I am discovering some disadvantages to losing weight. I never considered these consequences before when I was depressed and overweight. I found them interesting and slightly entertaining. Here they are for your entertainment value:
  1. Having serious baggy problem with all clothing
  2. Cannot sit for long periods of time in hard chairs due to loss of padding
  3. Takes alot more water to fill the bathtub
  4. Becomming cold when it is only 65 degrees outside
  5. Having to always answer the question "how'd you do it?" and not having a good answer
  6. Hangy arm flab is now more hangy
  7. Wrinkles are easier to spot
  8. Saggy boobies
  9. My butt is gone, not smaller, just not there!
  10. The phrase "You are just skin and bones"


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