"I Blog" or "Bring Back The Dancing"

This is my first blog.

I feel as if I am getting started late in the game. I have been involved with the Internet professionally since about 1994. This was before web pages contained anything fun like pictures... Before that I was a BBS nerd, does anyone beside me remember the glorious BBS? I have been logging my thoughts online for awhile but never in an official Weblog. So here it is. I am now 30, I am in my second trimester of my first pregnancy, my life is about to change dramatically and permanently. My hormones are so nuts that my thoughts and emotions are completely wacky. So I thought I would share my thoughts and give this Blog thing a go.

So here it is... Today I thought, "what if my husband dies? How can I care for a baby, two dogs, two cats, and myself". This is not a good thing to contemplate when one is pregnant. Especially me as I have a very vivid imagination and can tend to make them feel real. This is frightening to me as my mind is very powerful, at least when it comes to my own reality... (One thing I have noticed about myself is that I tend to use three periods in succession a little too frequently...)

Shortly after that morbid concept I thought about dancing with my husband and how much fun that is and how much I miss it since the wedding invitations have dwindled. It seems when you hit 30 you do a lot less dancing. All your friends that were going to get married are now married (except the few stragglers) and you stop doing the club thing, not that I ever really did that, and well aside from weddings, life just doesn't contain much dancing. I say we start adding dancing to baby showers and graduation open houses. When my husband and I first were dating, we danced all the time any time. In the house, doing dishes, getting groceries, walking down the street. We had no shame about it and music was not required. I remember spending hours on the back porch, while my husband played D.J. and we danced. Now the dancing has all but stopped. I feel this is a tragedy, I think we need to revive the dancing. BRING BACK THE DANCING! Thank God we haven't lost the laughing. Dancing is one thing, but laughing, that would be cataclysmic.


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